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About Us...

May 06, 2024

Meet the Magical Makers Behind Irishcopywriters


Welcome to the enchanted world of Irishcopywriters, where every word and phrase is spun with a touch of magic and a sprinkle of pixie dust. Under the wise guidance of our founder, a seasoned entrepreneur with over 50 years of business, marketing and copywriting experience, our team isn’t just made up of ordinary copywriters; oh no, we’re a delightful mix of Leprechauns, Fairies, Elves, and Pixies!

Charles Baldwin dressed as a wizard

The Founder - Our Master Wizard: Charles Baldwin

At the helm is our founder, whose journey through realms of marketing, law, publishing, and even adventuring with the Hells Angels has bestowed upon him a treasure trove of knowledge. From fierce battlefields to the courts of justice, from the serene world of books to the high stakes of real estate investment, his experiences weave together to form the backbone of our magic here at Irishcopywriters.

Our Magical Team:

  • The Leprechauns: Our master strategists, ever so clever and quick, led by the strategic visions derived from decades of real-world experience.
  • The Fairies: With their delicate touch and insightful vision, our Fairies sprinkle each project with creativity, turning simple words into captivating narratives.
  • The Elves: Diligent and detail-oriented, the Elves craft each sentence with precision, ensuring that your content is not only beautiful but also powerful and effective.
  • The Pixies: Ever playful and sprightly, our Pixies add the sparkle, making sure that every piece of content is enchanting, engaging, and downright irresistible.

What We Do:

Imagine a place where every line of copy is a spell, every blog post a charm, and every social media update a potion. That's what we do here at Irishcopywriters. We infuse Elvin Magic into our copywriting projects, sprinkle them with Pixie Dust, and, voila, present you with a magical script that leads readers straight to your offerings.

Our Philosophy:

We believe in the power of magic and words, especially when they come together. Our philosophy is simple: mix the old-world charm of Irish folklore with the cutting-edge tactics of today’s digital marketing, and you get content that not only tells a story but also sells a story.

Join the Enchantment:

Don’t let mundane content drag your brand into the shadows. Let our team of mythical mavens lift your spirits—and your digital presence—with content that dazzles and delights. Follow our journey, engage with our enchantments, and let us help you discover the magic of truly compelling copy.
Ready to add a little magic to your marketing? Contact us today, and let’s create something magical together!